About the bali room
The Bali Room aims to recreate the warm, nurturing atmosphere of my favorite Indonesian spas, providing a sanctuary where stress and anxiety can melt away and muscles can soften and move more easily.
I spent 28 years teaching in Indonesia, where during stressful times of the year I came to appreciate the restorative effects of a good massage. Back home I heard from both a friend and a family member suffering with ME that massage had really helped them mitigate the symptoms of their condition. When I returned to the UK these experiences lead me to retrain as a massage therapist. I gained my level 4 diploma in Holistic Massage in 2017 and have continued to study and practise, taking courses in Balinese and Hawaiian massage, deep tissue massage, myofascial release therapy and most recently massage for cancer and supportive care. I'm keen to integrate all of these disciplines into my practice and promote massage and myofascia release as complementary therapies that can to help deal with a range of conditions including stress, anxiety and M.E, as well as muscular aches and pains. I love seeing clients leave the therapy room more relaxed and in less pain than when they entered.